Welcome to the CARS blog

Our goal is to provide a forum where interested citizens can discuss issues related to the proposed Cowlitz casino-resort. Although views from all sides are welcome, we reserve the right to reject posts we deem irresponsible or irrelevant.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Columbian urges commissioners to clarify positions

From The Columbian, Sunday, October 21, 2007:

In Our View: Avoidance 101

County commissioners, take a stand. If you listen closely -- very closely -- you can almost hear the whimpering, the indecision, the double-speak from Clark County commissioners as they sidestep any real stance on the controversial proposed Cowlitz Tribe casino just outside La Center.

Frankly, the oatmeal some of you might be enjoying as you read this has more boldness than this trio ...

>>Read the entire editorial.

>>Read other recent news about the MOU:
Third time is not the charm
Cowlitz casino strategy under fire
Court denies tribe's request
Tribe tries to "fix" MOU situation

>>Read about the invalid MOU.

>>Read about earlier MOU shenanigans.

>>Read about the secrets of the MOU.