The Cowlitz Tribe was rebuffed Aug. 17 in Thurston County Superior Court when it attempted to insert itself into Clark County’s appeal of a ruling on the county’s Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the tribe.
The tribe wanted to join the case so it could move to have it dismissed, which would reinstate the MOU, a document that is a key part of its Environmental Impact Statement.
The MOU, under consideration by various courts and the Western Washington Growth Management Hearings Board for the past three years, was invalidated June 19 by the growth board. It determined that the county did not allow for sufficient public participation -- as required by state and county law -- before it approved the MOU with the tribe in March 2004.
The county appealed that ruling and argues that it is less interested in maintaining the MOU than in determining that the growth board, an appointed body, does not have authority to override an agreement made by the County Commission, an elected body.
Thurston Superior Court will hear Clark County’s appeal of the Hearings Board decision, likely in late September or early October.
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