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Our goal is to provide a forum where interested citizens can discuss issues related to the proposed Cowlitz casino-resort. Although views from all sides are welcome, we reserve the right to reject posts we deem irresponsible or irrelevant.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Syndicate misrepresents Clark jobs situation

A newsletter sent today by the Cowlitz gambling syndicate seriously misleads readers by making much of some recent news saying that Clark County has the highest unemployment rate among counties lining the Interstate 5 corridor. It uses that snippet of information to assert that “many residents of Clark and surrounding counties would benefit” from the jobs the proposed Cowlitz casino-resort would bring.

The syndicate is taking advantage of an aberration. Yes, the August unemployment rates put Clark County at 6.4 percent, Cowlitz County at 6.1 percent and Lewis County at 6.3 percent. (See the data from the state Employment Security Department.) But between January 2005 and August 2007, Clark County had the lowest unemployment rate of the three counties for 28 out of the total 32 months.

In fact, Clark County was featured in February in The Seattle Times for showing the state’s hottest job growth over a couple of years with a 16 percent employment increase through the end of 2006.

Clark is not a county that needs a casino for job growth—particularly when it comes with food-stamp wages. (The average county wage is $37,200. The average casino wage would be, according to the Environmental Impact Statement, $28,000—with the lowest wages being in the teens.) Moreover, the other counties would provide more affordable housing to potential workers: In the second quarter of 2007, Clark County’s median home price was $277,900, while Cowlitz County’s was $182,900 and Lewis County’s was $195,000.