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Our goal is to provide a forum where interested citizens can discuss issues related to the proposed Cowlitz casino-resort. Although views from all sides are welcome, we reserve the right to reject posts we deem irresponsible or irrelevant.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Cowlitz casino dealt big blow

In December 2010, the federal government agreed to take 152 acres of land at the La Center-Interstate 5 junction into trust for the Cowlitz Tribe. It issued a Record of Decision (ROD) that paved the way for casino developers to build a mega-casino and resort there.

At the time, CARS declared, “This is still not a done deal.”

We were right.

Yesterday, March 13, 2013, a federal judge threw out the 2010 ROD, sent it back to the Department of Interior (DOI) and ordered the agency to issue a new one within 60 days.

You see, when DOI produced the 2010 ROD, it “overlooked” a number of documents submitted by casino opponents—including information related to the 2005 federal decision to allow gaming on the La Center property, a cornerstone of the Cowlitz casino ROD.

The situation puts us in uncharted waters, awaiting DOI’s next move. What is certain is that today’s Columbian headline got it exactly right: “CASINO DEALT BIG BLOW.” Read the story online.