Welcome to the CARS blog

Our goal is to provide a forum where interested citizens can discuss issues related to the proposed Cowlitz casino-resort. Although views from all sides are welcome, we reserve the right to reject posts we deem irresponsible or irrelevant.

Monday, July 21, 2008

FEIS comment period extended to Aug. 11

The Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) has extended the comment period for the proposed Cowlitz casino Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) until Aug. 11, 2008.

The initial comment period was to have ended June 30, 2008, but the agency announced a 30-day extension after receiving a request to do so from Hon. Brian Baird (D-Wash.). This week BIA published the Aug. 11 closing date in the Federal Register, providing several additional days for stakeholders to make their thoughts known about the Final EIS.

CARS and many other stakeholders have registered disappointment in the Final EIS (it fails almost across the board to address very real problems) and have asked the BIA to withdraw the document in favor of a supplemental EIS -- the formal replacement for an EIS the agency finds does not measure up to its criteria. In that regard we would ask again that you do one of two things:

1) Now that the extra time is available, submit a comment on the Final EIS, available at http://www.cowlitzeis.com.

2) Join us in requesting that the Department of the Interior (DOI) withdraw the Final EIS, start over and produce a Supplemental Draft EIS.

This is likely the last time within the environmental process that we will have an opportunity to tell DOI what we think about the EIS, the process and the casino. Please take advantage of it with us.

Comments should include the caption "FEIS Comments, Cowlitz Indian Tribe Trust Acquisition and Casino Project" and be addressed to:

Stanley Speaks, Northwest Regional Director
Bureau of Indian Affairs
911 NE 11th Ave.
Portland, OR 97232

We encourage you to send copies to:

Mr. James Cason, Associate Deputy Secretary (James_Cason@ios.doi.gov), and Mr. George Skibine, Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs (George_Skibine@ios.doi.gov). Both can be reached via U.S. mail at:

Department of the Interior
1849 C Street NW
Washington, DC 20240