As the Cowlitz Tribe attempts to locate a casino in Clark County, another Washington tribe is being torn apart by what its recently banished chairman calls "casino greed."
A recent Seattle Times article portrays the Snoqualmie Tribe as having broken down into "battling factions." It says, "At stake are control of the tribal government and what promises to be one of the most lucrative casinos in the state, scheduled to open in November."
The now-banished vice chairwoman of the Snoqualmie Tribe is quoted as saying, "We have reduced the Native American tribes to social clubs where they can just eliminate members at will. If they can't show they have due process, I don't think they should be allowed to have these casinos."
Some governments in Clark County have been asked to negotiate agreements with the Cowlitz Tribe. The stability of tribal governments -- and their agreements -- should be given careful consideration.
Read the story, "Snoqualmies banish eight, disenroll 60."
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